Nairobi is fast in every respect of the word people walk fast, work fast, mats drive fast, think fast and it is only in this very high speed capital city of Kenya that innovative and futuristic innovations can come from. It is one such innovation in mobile telephony and messaging services that I am on about today.

Namba Moja Information services is the company that owns the 2525 brand name. 2525 provides information via text message on demand and is an ideal service for the residents of this fast capital of Kenya and also a way to find contacts and connect to other institutions and services all other parts of country as well as a guide to visitors to the country.
With 2525 one can find contacts of companies, can get physical address (office address) of companies, find business by their category e.g. hotels, couriers etc. One can also find public transport or matatu to a certain destination and most recently one can find movies showing at a particular cinema house. The list is endless.
Of course one is sure that the details are accurate because the companies who have their details listed do it for free and only have to make sure they update any changes in numbers or location.
The users on the other hand pay five shillings per text they send. They do not pay for replies.
2525 is simple. All one does is type in the item in question on their phone and send the text message to the number 2525. Normally the reply comes in less than a minute. However typing in sentences e.g. "please send me ..." or wrong spelling or use of an unofficial company name may cause a delay or wrong result before the system finally figures out what you want.
So here is how to properly use the service
For directory or business contacts
Type in the company name e.g. Nairobi Stock Exchange
send the text to 2525
the reply received looks like this
Nbi Stock Exchange
0202831000;0724253783;0733222007 ; Nation Ctr, 1st Flr, Kimathi St;CBD;Nbi.
2525 info on the go
for directory or business contacts in a specific category, sector or industry
Type CAT followed by the category of companies you are looking for e.g.
CAT Courier Company
send the text message to 2525
reply received would look like this
Reply with 1,2...
1. G4s Security Services K:HQ Ind Area 020532360
2. G4s Security Services K:Thika 06731057
Send M for more, W for WAP
2525 info on the go
To get the headquarters by typing 1 and send the reply (note just type the digit one)
To get more alternatives type M and send the reply (note just type the letter M)
To get the whole list on WAP type W and send the reply (note just type the letter W)
For Matatu (public transport service)
type MAT followed by the route number OR the destination
E.g. MAT Kiserian
Mat No 23
send the text message to 2525
reply received will look like this (for the first query)
ORIGIN: Railways
DESTN: Kiserian
ROUTE: 126
2525 info on the go
OR (for the second query)
ORIGIN: Muthurwa Bus Stn
DESTN: Outering Estate
ORIGIN: Odeon Cinema
DESTN: Kangemi
M for More
2525 info on the go
For Movies
Type Mov followed by the name of the movie or the name of movie theatre
E.g. Mov Nu Metro
send to 2525
The reply received looks like this
SILVERBIRD JUNCTION Fame:1345, 1600, 1820, 2040;
GI Joe:1250, 1515, 1745, 2015;
My Sisters Keepers:1415, 1630, 1840, 2055
M for More
Mov My Sisters Keepers
send to 2525
The reply received will look like this
SILVERBIRD JUNCTION My Sisters Keepers:1415, 1630, 1840, 2055
End Of Search
Namba Moja also runs community notice board services for free for any organisation.
For example if we have alcoholic anonymous meetings we book several prefixes with Namba Moja for our use for example prefix 900 to 910. We can decide to use
*901# for open meetings
*902# for closed meetings
*903# for big book readings
*904# for serenity
*905# for step discussion
Of course members of the organization are informed of the prefix to use. They pay 5shs for each SMS they send and receive replies from their notice boards on meeting venues and times and activities.
Already several churches, church groups and learning institutions and several social groups have taken up the community notice board service.
Of course needless to say I'm looking forward to other services Namba Moja is about to launch and being a Nairobian to the hilt you can see why I would want to have information while on the go.
However if you are a visitor to the city I am sure 2525 will also be of great help for directions and contacts to anywhere.