Wednesday, 12 December 2012

On You and Me and Dates, Jamhuri Day, 12/12/12 the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the 12th year of the Century

2012 is almost over ...and I am just trying to catch it by the tail as it whizzes past me trying to see what I can write about it ...put down on paper about my very interesting year.

 At the same time tis been a long time posting I could bore you with what old friends do if they haven't seen each other for ages (read from April 2012 in your case) I could tell you stuff like I got a new job (yep that's me back to employment which I told you I officially ditched in 11/11/11 that is November last year),

I could also tell you I completed school which I started in 08/08/08 (or rather went back to after a long hiatus due to fees from around 03/03/03) five years is a serious hiatus.
I have officially become a "Nairobian" I mean I have lived here now for a decade from around 02/02/02 and in one estate from 06/06/06 with only a few months exit from 09/09/09 - anyone who objects to my new status can launch a complaint to the Supreme Court.

I am still doing my call center circuit (for the sake of my being employable I will not admit to how many call centers I have worked in) which I started in Sep 2007 I wish it was July 2007 then the date would be 07/07/07. Well I can't blame myself for all this personal "high rate of being turned over" mostly tis the nature of the contracts ...always pretty much short term. Besides high tolerance for ambiguity is always one of my top qualities and being multi-skilled...okay I am not selling myself = unless you are buying.

Somehow I wish the hassle will end like Eminem I can have my chance to blow (yeah that is 8mile - smile) but even in 01/01/01 I was on my first short term job...Jesus I am ancient. 

"Anciety" and all - 2012 has also been special for me in love and life but that is a story for another day. So what is this article about - if you are nerdy or love numbers or you are just a keen reader you will notice this in my excerpt above

Well you are a special lot of humanity because you are living in a time that is only repeated once in every century ...every hundred years.
We will never have dates like this until the year 2100. Just to show you the implication of this is if you have lived all the dozen years from 01/01/01 which could be your birth date then you have to live to be at least hundred years to see one out of twelve of these dates repeated and at least 112 years old to see all of them repeat ... a serious human feat to accomplish.
But if your life has patterns like mine ...probably this is the only decade of its sort you will have in your lifetime - so celebrate it, take stock of it and say "I lived in a great time. Yeah! just poke your head out of your window and yell it out 12/12/12" - awesome!!!

Well as Kenyans we are a lucky nation our National day Jamuhuri day falls on 12/12 and this year is 2012.

So really time to ask yourself some serious stock taking questions before we hit our 50th birthday Jubilee year next year 2013.

Here is my plea. Plea number one ESTEEM YOURSELF you are about to employ a large number of people in 2013 called "LEADERS"
Please do not vote for leaders who regard you as a mere number i.e. the leaders who say I have numbers in Rift Valley, I have numbers in Central, I have numbers in Eastern, I have numbers in Nyanza, I have numbers in Western or Coast or North Eastern and so with my "numbers" I will form a merger with so and so to have greater "numbers". You and I are not numbers we are employers and we need results, we are living breathing human beings who are living in "the best of times and the worst of times...the age of wisdom and the age of foolishness" (- Yes Charles Dickens  

Plea number two - If you want CHANGE please do not repeat yourselves...I know we love our leaders and they all have good hearts and want to serve us Kenyans but please ...please...please do not repeat yourselves.
I have just showed you a set of 12 years that will never be seen till the next century. It is the same with every minute, every hour, every day. Time is dynamic it changes ...if we want change then change your set of leaders not repackage them in new alliances, new political parties, new religious names do not do this.
RETIRE THEM if you have had a leader for the last 20 YEARS "serving you" I PROMISE YOU this leader will not "serve you" a different "dish" whatever has been your portion from 1992 is what they will serve you. They love you - Yes I can't deny that 20 years of service is LOVE.
They are men of goodwill and even when they cause you to shed each others blood it is with best of intent...I totally agree with you on this point (just I will not join you at any public rally to cheer these men of goodwill who shed blood).
If you want change in your country's situation the state of the nation please do not repeat yourselves. Pick the young person (who these leaders have paid school fees for via harambees) these educated young people we have watched mature and age (yet the leader still claims to be young 20 years later) and make him your Senator, President, Governor and Ward representative. Pick the local shopkeeper or business person or priest or teacher who always uses "personal resources" to help the community put in his or her hands "national resources" if you have always had a "man" pick a "woman". If you had an "octogenarian" pick a 21 year old. CHANGE.

Plea number three - PEACE You can disregard all of the above three but please ...please do not Kill or Harm anyone else for voting differently ...because we are all special people ...we are the people of a beautiful decade or dozen (you choose)

We are bigger than any political choice, party, nation, we are the human beings all these other things were created for us. So that's that for Kenyans and 12/12/12.

On a personal note you might want to take stock of your life the last 12 years and I am not a judge ...I can't call one lifestyle a good way of living or another a bad way of living but here is what I can say and tis something I have learned over the years - Live Intentionally not let life happen to you (not that I haven't let it at times) set out missions for yourself...dreams...ambitions...make efforts...try what you believe is challenging...and fail and fall a million times...laugh when you need to ...cry if you need to and break your heart...and tell us  where broken hearts go to (Yep that's Whitney Houston loved her)

 Live your life - I mean it. If sleeping is what ticks you off please sleep for 24hrs and come tell me "OMG ...(this means Oh My God)can be GFF (means Gai fa fa) I just slept for 24hrs ...can you believe it?" wave your hands in the air and tell me excitedly about how you put all your alarm clocks in water, removed the battery from your cell phone put studio sound absorbers in your room to make your 24 hour sleep possible - I will applaud you for a successful project. Why? Not because sleeping is an efficient use of time but because you put intentionality and effort and elaborate planning and execution for your 24 hour sleep.

 So Live every moment - and tell your story. Hopefully some of us might be around to tell this story of 12/12/12 and the next 12/12/12 i.e. from 2012 to 2112.